We Are The Reason by David Meece


A Christmas song originally compsed by David Meece. We tried to play the Avalon rendition for our church Christmas event. The third guitarist/singer in the video (the one in the middle), is our eldest brother, Jonathan.

John 3:16-18 tells us in plain and simple terms why Jesus came into the world. It was because of God's great love for the world, for us, that He sent Jesus into the world as our Saviour, as our way out from the punishment and condemnation of death that should have been upon us. And this gift of salvation is offered if only we believe in His son Jesus. What then is your response?

I pray that the Holy Spirit will convict your heart of your sinfulness this Christmas, grant you the grace to accept God's forgiveness through His Son's sacrifice on the cross for your sins, and for you to offer your life in submission to Him. He is the reason to live.

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